Saturday, May 30, 2009

Katie Watch

Wonderful news has come to our attention here at Milkcrate. According to several sources on the Information Super Highway, Katie Holmes is "looking forward" to filming her "character driven" thriller set to start shooting in Melbourne next month.

The almost too ironically named blog TomKat Crazy tells us that Katie's usual entourage will be on toe - previous son-in-law to Australia Tom Cruise with poor little Suri Cruise, thus fixing the Australian economy even more.

I wonder if Posh and Becks will flock over for a bit of oranging in the Chapel Street sun? I see a new segment coming to Milkcrate - Victoria in Victoria anyone?

Monday, May 25, 2009

Blog of the Week

Yep! It's much anticipated return is now upon us!

This one is an oldy be a goody. We here at Milkcrate HQ fully advocate the writing of clever notes in place of open, honest communication. Just the other day I was thrilled when I found a set of missing chopsticks under Jake's desk while he was out. Gleefully, I scribbled a little post-it note and left it on his laptop - "Jake, why are my chopsticks under your desk?!". Ahhh. The sastifaction was almost too much!

We're also particularly fond of the passive aggressive Facebook status updates, like 'kant we all just chill wtf', 'awkward' and this.

So for those into clever notes and passive aggressiveness, get yourself over to and enjoy.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Bish is Back

If you're interested in Irish philosophy or the civic politics of south-eastern Victoria (and we know you are!) then you can't afford to miss the latest updates to Bishop Berkeley's Backyard, featuring the all-new adventures of everyone's favorite cleric, poet and solipsist. Subjects considered in recent posts include the health benefits of tarwater, the military record of Wittgenstein, the value of stale rye biscuits and the burning need for anti-Leninist makeup. The man is blogging up a storm but he still needs readers, so what are you waiting for? Click on the link and comment, comment, comment! Those Rationalists won't refute themselves!

Welcome to Katie-Watch - So Much to Half-Smile About.

By now, those of us in Melbourne are thrilled to have learned Katie Holmes is set to shoot a thriller in ol' Melbourne Town.

A couple of weeks ago, we busted open our copy of The Age, to discover not only will Katie be gracing the Docklands with her oh-so-cute* half-smile, she'll also be boosting the local production sector thus FIXING the Australian economy!


It's only fit that Milkcrate Magazine - Melbourne's very own blog dedicated to all things completely unrelated to milkcrates - brings you Katie-Watch (TM). When Katie lands in our fair country with her crazy religion and her mad attempts at acting, we'll be right here, on the internet, bringing you the news.

The film will be a remake of the 1973 telemovie Don't Be Afraid Of The Dark which is due to begin shooting in coming months. It has been written and will be produced by Guillermo del Toro, who recently produced the very scary El Orphanto. Creepy dead kids with sacks on their head - the stuff of nightmares. A little like Katie's oh-so-cute* half-smile.

*May actually be more vom-inducing than oh-so-cute.

More on Three Wolves and Moons

Washington Post has all the news on the latest meme to go viral on the the internetz, the Three Wolf Moon Shirt.

Particular lolz to be had when a partner and art director of Mountain - the people responsible for this epic fashion disaster - responds.

"Three Wolf Moon" is sold out, and the Mountain has started printing up a fresh batch. It seems that the wolf theme was growing in popularity even before the Internet hipsters descended"

And this golden line: "Wolf shirts are super hot right now".

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Amaz'n Amazon

Browsing through Amazon this morning, I stumbled upon this fine piece of apparel - and it's user reviews.

Pros: Fits my girthy frame, has wolves on it, attracts women
Cons: Only 3 wolves (could probably use a few more on the 'guns'), cannot see wolves when sitting with arms crossed, wolves would have been better if they glowed in the dark.

So if you're like us here at Milkcrate and you appreciate fine user reviews, wasting time and wolves click away and enjoy.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Double Wrongtown

Here at Milkcrate we're against camel toes. We haven't had a meeting about how we feel about Lady Gaga yet, but I'm pretty sure everyone feels the same way about her as I do.

Here she is in Sydney wearing a CARAZY! outfit. What a shy, but oh-so-individual, petal she is.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Clare Werbeloff, the voice of Australia, ay.

[two internet loves in one video!]

The delightful Clare Werbeloff tells the colourful story of two Gentleman on a night out in Sydney.
After retelling the conversation to the reporter, she says "you're welcome". What manners!

Step aside Kylie Booby, we have a new Princess.

Friday, May 15, 2009

It's eurovision time

so to brush up on our Eurovision song writing skills, i hand it over to Neil Hannon...

Terry Wogan wont be hosting the english speaking version this year, but Graham Norton will be! I have faith in Mr Norton he'll bring in the [extra] lolz.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Happiness Is Jarvis Cocker Spelling His Name

We at Milkcrate were especially excited the receive the following email last night:

As we're sure some of you are already aware, the man is back, so is his groove and he wants to share it with you. Hence, he's giving a series of dance, music and aerobics classes for you all to enjoy live via the Internets right now, or more specifically 12pm til 6pm Parisian time. If
you haven't logged on already, then we're sad to inform you of some of the things you've missed; Jarvis managing a musically accompanied yoga class, a beautiful belly dancer, performing hard rock with class of over excited 8 year olds and numerous jam sessions with an eclectic mix of locals fresh off the street.

So visit without delay and don't forget to grab your free Mp3 from the imminent "Further Complications."

So without further adew we give you not only music from the man himself, but a spiffy little clip of him spelling his name with big plastic letters.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

'Performance Review' art exhibition

You've missed the opening night but my artwork will be up at The Lounge for another four weeks.

Heres a doco of the making of: