Shoe manufacturer Converse, have announced a line of sneakers to commemorate the late Kurt Cobain -- fans of the 90's grunger will now be able to rock their very own morbid piece of footwear with the re-release of the Converse One Star, the very shoe Cobain was reported to be wearing when he shot himself in 1994.
The new One Star will feature a print of Cobain's signature next to the Converse Star logo, and gracing the inside of the shoe the words "Punk rock means freedom". Does it? How retro!
The shoes have been approved by Courtney Love & the Cobain estate and further details will be released by Converse in April.
Smells like (untastefully) making a buck to me. What's next? A Jacqui Kennedy Onassis line of pink suits, complete with JFK blood and brains appliqued down the front?
Untasteful? Intasteful.... oh... DIStasteful. Bless. All that head banging got in the way of my grammar.
Huzzah! Now I have the perfect shoes to go with my Harold Holt swimwear.
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