First skanks from the suburbs learnt how to wrap themselves around a pole for 'exercise' and now they are making an 'at home' game set up so the kids can get fit & learn some valuable skills in the art of slutiness too! Yes, there will be wii strip.
This sort of thing will encourage ordinary people to think they are sexy and co-ordinated.
Some people have Wii party nights where friends battle each other for top score. So maybe soon they can all watch and cheer their friends as they rub their butt crack up and down the wii-mote, take their clothes off and encourage money to be tucked into the knicker elastic.
Hopefully it comes with some anti bacteria wipes and some amnesia pills.
I also hear they are encouraging use of wii's in aged care centres to keep the seniors active.
So maybe soon Granny can work that replacement hip around a plastic pole and earn herself an extra 'cup of tea and biscuit' from Grandpa. And perhaps when everyone else is sitting looking out the window in boredom, she can take her dentures out for him in private.
I do hope it has a realistic points system. "You have earned $200 in tips, do you want to":
* take up offer of to double your points by giving a blow job to an ugly man who has food stains down the front of his shirt.
* Spend points on drugs to deal with your "job".
What's next for wii?
What are your suggestions, dear Milkcrate readers?
its the easiest way to rid of her bum nuggets
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